On Monday the models came in for a trial run, which enabled us to decide on the looks we wanted, the hair-styles and outfits.
The following morning, our professional photographer Gavin came in for the ‘big shoot’ and we re-created the looks from the day before with much more confidence and a few changes here and there.
Gavin was quite funny and made the experience most enjoyable. He had lots of great ideas and directed the models making them feel comfortable, which enabled them to give their best. During the shoot we learnt what was required to be on ‘standby’ e.g. touching up make-up, making sure the garments were correctly placed, hair in the right spot etc.
On Wednesday our art teacher Jane showed us how to contour the face for black and white photos. We learnt about shades and tints and how it translates into a grey scale for a black and white photo.

To finish off the week we spent the day in the workshop doing foam runs for our prosthetic pieces. We learnt about all the different components required to mix together to create the foam latex and how accurate and controlled your environment needs to be to regulate the rise and gelling of the foam.

A big thank you to our work experience student Nicole who spent the week with us. She was of great assistance to all of us during the photo shoot and was a fabulous model as well for my black and white photos. She looked stunning! We thoroughly enjoyed having her and hope she comes back again soon.
All in all, another busy and productive week.
Jacinta Christos - Student