Thursday, August 13, 2009

Make-up Artists - Interview and Graduation

We began our last week with a look at the business side of the industry:

The role of an Agent? How to apply for a job and the interview process?

A guest make-up artist was involved in simulating the interview. After applying in writing for the job, the students prepared and presented themselves for an interview.

Graduation Day! The students exhibited all their completed work and assignments over this amazing 6 months of Master Class tuition. The exhibition was viewed by parents, family and friends who attended the Graduation Ceremony. The students have all achieved excellent results! Well done!

After the Graduation every one went out to a restaurant for dinner. In the industry this would be called a Wrap Party. A night I’m sure the students will remember as they move forward to the next phase in their careers.

On Friday the students Bump-Out of the make-up room and move onto jobs assisting Wendy De Waal, on the N.I.D.A/A.F.T.R.S (National Institute of Dramatic Art / Australian Film Television and Radio School) 50th anniversary 4 Short Films. A fantastic achievement for all!

Louise, Nick, Paul and all the tutors, wish the students the best of luck as they start their make-up careers.

M.E.G. would like to thank all our tutors for their time and commitment in sharing their craft and knowledge with the students and making the Master Classes such high quality tuition.