Our task - to create a character from a series, based upon how we believed they should be portrayed. We then had to create a makeup chart of that character, before we were shuffled around to recreate someone else's makeup based on their ‘detailed’ chart. This exercise went well, as it showed us the importance of continuity and how a face chart and photo reference should be understandable, to get the best result.
Tuesday and Wednesday were days we weren't looking forward to... the Hair Exam... Luckily we had Tuesday as a practice, to try out our 1940's inspired hairstyles and work out how they could be improved. But we all passed with flying colours and are happy it’s over.
We were taught the art of creating a Bald Cap, using liquid latex and lots of sponges, and now are well on our way to losing our hair.
I look forward to next week with more dead bodies and high fashion makeup.
Student - Zeb Tilden