It was also wonderful to have Cheryl, Heather and Jennifer from Make-up Artist Magazine visit us and get the VIP tour, following a wonderful and successful Trade Show weekend. After our two amazing wins on the weekend, the Make-up Artist Magazine team wanted to see where our student’s learn and get a feel of the creative and inspiring space. They took heaps of photos as they clowned around like little girls in a giant toy shop! Nick, Paul and myself were very pleased to show them around the make-up room and the workshop facilities. They were very impressed with the facilities and how we were running our classes, and of course the level of the students work.
We would like to say thank you for taking the time to come and visit us.

Last but not by any means least, it was an honour and a total dream come true to have the great Tom Savini drop into our studio later in the week. He hung around with us for a couple of hours talking about make-up, films, the industry and “Vamp Pirates”. Tom is a great guy, the original Special Make-up Effects ‘Wizard’ long before it was common, and an inspiration to us both from an early age. It was so bizarre having him in the studio, remembering 30 odd years ago reading his fantastic books…. wow how the time goes! We had lots of laughs!!