Learning to keep our make-up stations clean while completing accident assimilation for our “Dead Body” look was very difficult. Lots of blood and gore make-up products can make things messy but the students managed to keep some control. We used “Ben Nye Death Bases” to recreate our looks from the research material that was collected. It took the students 3-4 hours to complete their make-ups as they experimented with all the different products. Some of their favourites were the “Illustrator Palette” and “3rd Degree” silicones for creating wounds.

We would like to thank our models for their help and patience as it was a long and difficult day for them.
The students moved to the workshop for the next few days to complete their sculptures. They were in the final stages of adding detail and bringing their creations to life. Long hours were put in with fine 'tooling techniques' and use of 'rubber stamps' to help layer all the detail work into the plastercine. When complete all the sculptures were prepared for the next step of fibreglass moulding.