But here we are in my 3rd week and after the expert tutelage from our talented, experienced teachers, I can comfortably say that we are all in our creative element with numerous projects on the move and that I have never felt lost or behind!
This week started with Glamour makeup, trading our subtle liquid based palette for a heavy grease based, fake eyelash powered bomb shell look. It was lots of fun, I can assure you - even after a minor lipstick explosion on my part (Sorry Azriel!!)
We then created our film characters. Rachel impressed us all by creating dreadlocks in her own creative techniques, everyone really captured their characters through not only makeup but wig work, costume and hair.
Wednesday we looked at the 1920’s Marcel wave look with the lovely Tanya, getting to use our hot rollers and Marcel clips.
The week ended with work on our prosthetics with Zeb and Rachel moving onto mold-making at a record pace. My prosthetic is moving along, I must say I felt proud looking at the tension/muscular details in the forehead.
This has been another amazing week and looking back on all of our work, we can’t help but feel proud at the progress we’ve made. Doing this course has been one of the best decisions I’ve made!
Alex Guillot - Student