The students were again reminded about the importance of careful blending as we applied a very dark base to our models for the Egyptian look. Achieving the correct eyebrow line, using the gold and blues of the time and perfecting the eyeliner design proved to be quite a challenge. However we rose to the occasion and produced some lovely “Cleopatra’s”.

We had all done a great deal of research for both the era’s and had great fun discussing our results particularly as to the reason for beauty spots and decorative designs on the white based faces of the 1800’s. Mariel tried her hand at recreating a horse and carriage design on her model, which was a great success! We dressed and wigged up our models, applying the hair preparation skills we had learnt in previous weeks, and took some excellent photographs of the results.
This week saw us take a great leap ahead with our sculptures. It was very exciting to finish the first stage of sculpting and move on to adding finer details to the faces such as skin pores and fine wrinkles. The boys showed us various techniques (and a few nifty tricks) on how to achieve the detail and we were thrilled to see how much these things changed the look of our characters and really started to bring them to life. Soon we will be able to add the flashing to our sculpts, that will bring us closer to making the actual mould. We can’t wait for that day!
Candy Burgess - Student