The students had to do two different types of aging make-ups to complete this week’s exercises. They started off with models Rod and Keating, who are young, handsome, 30 something. When the students had finished the first exercise they had transformed our models into 50 year-old men with salt and pepper hair. Everyone was working well together as a team, producing very effective aging results.

In the second part of the exercise the students worked on models that were youthful, middle-aged ladies, who were made-up to appear in their 70’s. The students had to preset wigs for this procedure. The results were excellent and sometimes quite confronting for the models to see what could happen to them later in life.
Thanks again to all the models that helped this week, as it takes several hours of make-up application under difficult conditions to achieve the aging process, and they were all very helpful to the students needs.

In art class the students were shown how to draw hair! They had to draw many different hairstyles, which is not easy to make look real. They also learnt techniques of how to draw feathers and fur using watercolours and grease paints, which was then incorporated into designs for make-up. The day was a great success with all students completing difficult tasks to very high standards.